Air-tight motor
The air-tight motor does not let any dust or moisture in, preventing motor malfunction.
Low power consumption
This model only uses 2800W, giving it a very low operational cost.
Low noise design.
New technology gives premium performance with very low noise. 2dB lower than the previous model.
Mini-drain tank.
Thanks to new technology, we can minimize the amount of condensed water forming during operation, making it sufficient with a 20-liter drain tank.
Very space efficient.
This mobile air conditioner can be placed directly against the wall on three sides, making it suitable for even the most cramped work places.
Easy to move.
Equipped with casters and caster stoppers for easy movement and safety during operation.
Perfect for assembly lines and other stationary work places.
Good for large facilities that are not cost efficient to cool. With Suiden spot cooler, like the name implies, you can cool down just one specific spot.