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Product Details

Product Name:High performance Sound Level Meter LA-7000 series

Manufacturer:ONO SOKKI
Availability:out of stock 0 item(s)
Product Code:LA-7000
More Information : The LA-7000 series is newly designed sound level meter which operation procedure has been greatly improved. The large color LCD and touch panel enable easy and intuitive operation.


LA-7000 series allows “measuring while listening to sound” in addition to the original features of a sound level meter such as measurement and calculation.

By listening to the sound instantly at the measuring place, you can confirm condition of a target, perform sound source probing, and check that the sound is unfailingly being recorded. The LA-7000 series sound level meter is a great help for reliable measurement at measurement place where no mistakes can be allowed.


By adding various options, the LA-7000 series is able to be upgraded to a sound analyzer (frequency analysis) and a sound recorder*, performing more than just a sound level meter.

The measurement performance is substantially improved only using LA-7000 series which does multiple duties, such as sound measurement, sound recording, frequency analysis, and sound probing of abnormal sound.

By using LA-7000 series together with various analyses software, “waveform analysis”, “sound quality evaluation”, “fluctuation sound analysis”,and ”simulation of sound frequency” can also be performed.


Easy Operation

4.3 inch (size for a smart phone), color

Displays overlapping graph with clarity

At one-touch operation

Recording and data storing are started just by

tapping with a finger.

Listening function

You can find the place from which the sound is occurring by turning the microphone (sound level meter) toward the sound. (It is also possible to listen only to the specified range of the sound.)

Easy to hold


35 % of size-reduction in volume. Easy-to-hold design

Short lanyard for potable use

The short lanyard provided as an accessory prevents the sound level meter from slipping down.

Easy to use

Intuitive operation by a touch panel

It provides intuitive operation in easily understandable manner by even a beginner touching the sound level meter for the first time.

Home key

Home button leads you to the home screen.

Language selection

Selectable display language from English and Japanese

Capturing function

Capture image information by pressing power key and home key simultaneous.

Power supply from USB---Enables long-time measurement

12 hours of continuous operation: alkaline battery cells (size AA, 4 pcs.) used. Micro USB can be used. The USB consumption takes priority when alkaline battery cells are used in combination with an USB.

Windscreen correction function

Windscreen (standard accessory) does not require correction. (IEC61672-1:2013)

External power ON/OFF function---useful for built-in measurement

Easy ON/OFF operation by switching a battery box.





Listening function

     DUAL mode & QUAD mode  standard 


Two or four of calculation values are able to be displayed on the screen. Useful when displaying multiple calculation values with different weightings, such as frequency weighting or time weighting.




Display example of QUAD mode


     Listening function (Phone output)  standard 

This function enables measurement while listening to the sound.

•Effective for measurement in an anechoic room and remote place
•Effective for monitoring from remote place such as environmental sound measurement

*Extension cable and headphones are sold separately.



Octave Analysis / Sound probing

     1/1 Octave Analysis function(RTA mode · Filter mode)  standard 

Conforming standard : IEC 61260-1:2014 Class1/ JIS C 1513-1: 2002 Class1,  JIS C 1514-1:2002 Class 1

Analysis band             : 16 Hz to 16 kHz  (11 bands), Allpass1, Allpass2
Calculation item         : Filter Mode  (Bandpass, Allpass selectable) · · · Lp, Leq, LE,Lmax, Lmin, Lpeak, LN list

                                  RTA Mode · · · Lp, Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin (Main) Measurement range   : 10-80 dB, 20-90 dB, 30-100 dB, 40-110 dB, 50-120 dB, 60-130 dB, (excluding wide range)
Memory mode           : Manual, Auto, Logging, Record* ( *when the LA-0704 installed )


RTA 1/1 mode

This is one of the frequency analysis modes which displays frequency divided by octave band. Vertical axis represents sound pressure level (sound loudness), and horizontal shows frequency (sound pitch). In this mode, it is obvious which pitch of sound is loud. Data comparison of RTA 1/1 data and MAIN data is available by overlapping drawing.

Filter 1/1 mode

By using the octave band filter, you can listen to only the interested sound even in noisy environment. It helps sound probing of abnormal sound. Data comparison of Allpass (all ranges) and Bandpass (specified band) is available.


  1/3 Octave band Analysis function(RTA mode・Filter mode) LA-0702  option

It is possible to analyze and evaluate the sound which divided the octave band in more detail. It is also possible to listen to the sound through the 1/3 octave band filter. It is the analysis function and filter which are used most frequently in sound.



Analysis band: 12.5 Hz to 20 kHz(33 bands), Allpass1、AIIpass2
Obedient standard, calculation item, measuring range and memory mode: It's same as a mode 1/1 octaves. Please refer to it.


RTA1/3 mode

This is one of the frequency analysis modes which displays frequency divided by octave band. Vertical axis represents sound pressure level (sound loudness), and horizontal shows frequency (sound pitch).
In this mode, it is obvious which pitch of sound is loud. Data comparison of RTA 1/3 data and MAIN data is available by overlapping drawing.

Filter1/3 mode

By using the octave band filter, you can listen to only the interested sound even in noisy environment.
It helps sound probing of abnormal sound. Data comparison of Allpass (all ranges) and Bandpass (specified band) is available.


Narrow band frequency analysis New

     FFT Analysis function option

This function can perform analysis with finer line resolution (narrow band analysis) up to 1600 lines. The narrow-band analysis of not only the loudness but also the sound pitch (frequency) can be performed. Effective for frequency analysis of single-shot sound using trigger function

● Simultaneous processing of auto-memory and FFT Analysis: Continuous saving of numerical data
● Simultaneous processing of record-memory and FFT Analysis (The LA-0704 required)
● Fine line resolution (800 lines, 1600 lines)
● Easy and light operation by touch panel without feeling stress


•Frequency range : 1 k,2.5 k,5 k,12.5 k,25 kHz
•Number of lines (number of sampling points):
  400 (1024),800 (2048),1600(4096)
•Trigger : ON/OFF times (1 to 16),
  Level (40.0 to 130dB),Position (64-point fixed)
•Average mode : SUM,MAXhold,EXP (exponential)
•Measurement range : Normal range
  (wide range: not supported)
•Memory function supported : Manual,Auto,
•Screen expand display (Expand) : ×1,×2,×4





Recording function

     Sound recording function LA-0704   option

Easy recording by selecting memory mode "Record" and by pushing ▷(Start) button.


Memory mode          : Record
Sampling frequency  : 64 kHz
Recording time         : approx. 8 hours (4 GB, at 16-bit recording) / approx. 5.5 hours (4 GB, at 24-bit recording)
File format                : wav (audio data)and csv (trend data for playback : Lzat 1s intervals)

*Simultaneous processing of analysis and recording in RTA mode is enabled

(note) Up to 2 GB of recording by OS-2000 (recorded data with LA).

Recording should be within the following time.
  Recording time:
  4.5 hours (2 GB, at 16-bit recording)
  3 hours    (2 GB, at 24-bit recording)



Sound level judgment New

     Level judgment function LA-0705  option

Level judgment by the sound is available to perform the pass/ fail judgment of the products.

Output cable (Multi I/O-BNC connector) 2 m : provided as standard



Judging item: SLM mode (SINGLE/DUAL/QUAD)
                       Lp instantaneous value in Main
                       Filter 1/1,1/3 (BP: Lp), RTA1/1,1/3(AP1: Lp), FFT (OA: Inst)
                       (Calculated value: not supported)
Setting level    : 30.0 dB to 130.0 dB
DELAY setting : OFF,10 ms,100 ms,1 s,2 s,3 s,5 s,10 s
HOLD setting : 100 ms,200 ms,500 ms,1s,5 s,10 s,30 s,Manual 
Output mode : OFF,ON (Mode1LOW), ON (Mode2HI-z)


Not over the setting value: green/ *OFF setting: gray
Over the setting value: red


Sound quality evaluation (Stationary Loudness) New

     Loudness calculation function LA-0708   option

This function allows measurement based on DIN 45631, which is used for evaluating the loudness of the sound human is perceived.
Effective for sound evaluation that does not give numerical difference in the result of A-weighting. Evaluation based on the loudness value which is one index of the sound quality evaluation is very effective when the evaluation by the noise level alone is not enough.
Equivalent to the previous model (LA-3000)


*Loudness calculation of non-stationary sound : not supported
*Cannot be used to the LA-7200 series Class 2 sound level meter.


•Conforms to DIN45631
•Calculation list
Loudness value: (diffuse sound field/free sound field)   
Loudness level : (diffuse sound field/free sound field)
•Simultaneous measurement
Main : One item from Loudness calculation list
SUB  : Three items from SLM values (LAeq etc.)
•Measurement range
Normal range (Wide range : not supported)
•Bar graph : LZ value (dB display)










  LA-7500 Class1 LA-7200 Class2
Applicable standard JIS C 1509-1: 2017 Class1
JIS C 1516   : 2014 Class1
JIS C 1J509-1: 2017 Class2
JIS C 1516     : 2014 Class2
IEC 61672-1: 2013 Class 1 IEC 61672-1: 2013 Class 2
ANSI S1.4-2014/Part1 Class1 ANSI S1.4-2014/Part1 Class2
Measurement frequency range 10 Hz to 20 kHz 10 Hz to 8 kHz
Measurement level range (IEC, JIS)
A: 24 to 138 dB
C: 32 to 138 dB
Z: 38 to 138 dB
A: 23 to 138 dB
C: 30 to 138 dB
Z: 36 to 138 dB
Intrinsic noise level A: 16 dB or less
C: 24 dB or less
Z: 30 dB or less
A: 17 dB or less
C: 24 dB or less
Z: 30 dB or less
Microphone MI-1271 MI-1471
Microphone preamplifier MI-3270
Linearity range Wide range: 110 dB / Normal range: 80 dB
Level range 20 to 130 dB (wide)/60 to 130 dB/50 to 120 dB/
40 to 110 dB/30 to 100 dB/20 to 90 dB/10 to 80 dB
Reference range 50 to 120 dB
Time weighting e.g.: LAF F (fast), S (slow), I (impulse) and 10 ms
Frequency weighting e.g.: LAF A, C and Z
Measurement items Lp, Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin Lpeak,
LN (L5, L10, L50, L90, L95, Lhigh, Llow, Lave, and two more of any LN data)
Sampling interval 15.6 μs (Lp, Leq, LE, Lmax, Lmin, Lpeak), 100 ms (LN)
Measurement time e.g.: If you want to measure a fixed 10-minute period every hour,
       and wish to measure this for 24 hours,
       M.T:10 minutes, P.T: 1 hour, and T.T: 24 hours
  Measurement time
Manual (OFF), user-specified setup: 0.1 to 199 hour 59 min. 59.9 sec. resolution: 0.1 sec.
Period time
(Period Time)
1 min. to 24 hours resolution: 1 min.
Total Time
(Total Time)
0.1 sec. to 999 hour 59 min. 59.9 sec. resolution: 0.1 sec.
Start mode Manual start, timer start, count down start, level start
Display device 4.3-inch LCD with color backlight (touch panel type)
  Digital display 4-digit/ resolution: 0.1 dB/ update cycle: 1 s
Bar indicator Wide range: 100 dB of display range/ Normal range: 70 dB of display range
Remaining battery level display 4-step display
Operation mode Standard: SLM-Single, Dual, Quad Octave-Filter1/1, RTA1/1
Option   : 1/3 octave-Filter1/3, RTA1/3, FFT, Loudness (Stationary sound DIN45631)
Memory function Stored in an SD/SDHC card (SDHC card: up to 32 GB.)
  Memory mode

MANUAL (CSV file)………………………………………………………………………standard function

AUTO (instantaneous value, calculated value, CSV file)………………standard function
LOGGING (instantaneous value, 10 ms or 100 ms, CSV file)……….standard function
RECORD (WAVE file: 64 kHz sampling)……………….………………………required for the LA-0704

Panel condition memory Internal memory (internal condition : 5, EZ condition : 5, power off memory : 1),
SD or SDHC card memory (number : depends on the capacity)
Basic measurement mode 5 modes (EZ1: LAeq+LCpeak, EZ2: Record, EZ3: Logging 100 ms, EZ4: NC, EZ5)
Clock function

Built-in (year/ month/ day/ hour/ minute)

Continuous operation time : approx. 1 year

(charging time: 24 hours from entire discharge state)

Calibration history function

Built-in memory (number of stored points: approx. 100 points),

Content (Calibration value, VR position for control, internal reference signal of
used sound calibrator, calibration date)

Resume function Stores measurement conditions into the built-in memory
Calibration Reference signal (when connecting external device)

Electronic calibration by built-in transmitter (1 kHz sine wave)
Normal range: -6 dB of full-scale wide range: -16 dB of full-scale

Recommended calibrator SC-3120, SC-2500 SC-3120, SC-2500, SC-2120A
Output/Input Phone output (Headphone output)

Actual sound or recorded sound (playback sound)

Selected 1 band of actual sound or recorded sound (playback sound) in
1/1 octave filter (standard function) or 1/3 octave filter mode (option: LA-0702)
Maximum output: 0.03 mW (63Ω: at 1kHz)

Connector           : stereo φ3.5

AC output Outputs one of A, C, or Z interlocked with the main display
  AC output level

Output level                             : 0.707 Vrms ±5 (normal range), 2.236 Vrms ±5 (wide range)                                                   when range full-scale input,1MΩ loaded

Distortion rate (range full scale): 0.2 % or less

Load resistance                         : 10 kΩ or more

Offset voltage                           : ±30 mV or less

Output impedance                   : 50 Ω± 2%

AC/DC output Selectable form DC, AC-Z or Through
  DC output level 2.5 V ±20 mV (normal range, wide range) when range full-scale input,1MΩ loaded
Scale factor            : 0.25 V±10 mV/10 dB
Load resistance      : 10 kΩ or more
Output impedance: 50 Ω ± 2%
AC-Z output level

Output level                            : 0.707 Vrms ±5% (normal range), 2.236 Vrms ±5% (wide range) when range full-scale input,1MΩ loaded

Distortion rate (range full scale): 0.2 % or less

Load resistance                       : 10 kΩ or more

Offset voltage                         : ±30 mV or less

Output impedance                 : 50 Ω ±2 %

Through output level

0.707 Vrms ±5 % (normal range/ wide range) when full-scale input, 1MΩ loaded

Distortion rate (range full scale): 0.2% or less

External control input

Operation                             : Reset and start

Control voltage                    : non-voltage contact input,
Input pulse width                 : 200 ms or more

Absolute max. input voltage: 24.0 V

Level judgment output(*LA-0705) Open collector (output withstand voltage : DC+24V or less, sink current : 20mA or less)
*Output cable (Multi I/O – BNC connector 2 m) : provided as standard
  Level judgment comparison item

SLM mode (Main : Lp), Filter 1/1,1/3 (Main (BP) : Lp), RTA1/1,1/3 (AP1 : Lp),

FFT (OVERALL : Instant)

Interface RS-232C Baud rate: 9600, 115200 bps, multi I/O cable (sold separately)

Compliant with USB high speed storage class specification ver. 2.0,
USB connection calbe: USB (A) male-USB (mini) male (sold separately)

Function                     : Command control or mass storage*3

External memory SD/SDHC memory card (SDHC : up to 32 GB)
Applicable extension cable
(for microphone extension) *1

103 m (CE conforming cable: up to 30 m)…AG-3400 series

*Cable extension exceeding 5m : with correction function.

Power supply · Size AA battery (alkaline battery cell or Ni-MH secondary vattery) x 4 pieces
· USB bus power (operating input voltage range: 4.75 to 5.25 VDC)
· AC adapter (PB-7090, power consumption: approx. 7 VA when using 100 VAC)
External power operation function

The main unit is activated automatically when the power is supplied from an AC adapter.
(This function is not available by battery cells.)
Switch on/off can be done with the switch in the battery box (standard function)

Windscreen correction function Function to correct the influence of windscreen
*Applicable to the IEC61672-1 even if the windscreen is installed.
Battery life (continuous use) *2

Alkaline battery cell LR6   : approx. 12 hours

Ni-MH secondary battery: approx. 12 hours

Operating (storage) temperature range -10 to 50 °C (-20 to 60 °C)
Operating (storage) humidity range 20 % to 90 %RH (10 % to 90 %RH ) with no condensation
Outer dimensions Approx. 90(W)×279(H)×42(D)
Weight Approx. 540 g (including batteries)
AC adapter (PB-7090)* Signal cable (AX-501)
Windscreen (Φ70 mm) Hand strap
Size AA battery cell x 4 pieces Carrying case (including shoulder belt)
SDHC memory card(4G) Iinstruction manual (CD)
Setup guide  

*For details about the outlet cable, please contact your nearest distributor or send an e-mail ( to us.
  Please use a recommended SD card when you use the SD memory function.

*1: The described value is extendable length when the exclusive cable is used.
*2: It depends on the using status such as operation mode, memory mode, and backllight.
*3: Supported ver.2.0 or higher version of firmware

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