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Product Details

Product Name:Scale Loupes

Manufacturer:Peak Optics - GWJ
Availability:out of stock 0 item(s)
Product Code:
More Information : Peak Scale Loupe 10X has precision-constructed achromatic lenses (coated 4 elements, 2 groups), a photo-printed scale and focusing ring.


Magnification: 10X
Field of View: 32 mm (1.24 inch)
Scale Length: 30 mm (1.17 inch)
Minimum Scale Division: 0.1 mm / 0.005"
Eye-piece: 20 mm
Size: 46 x 44 mm
Net Weight: 74 g

Comes with a convenient fabric pouch.

Pitch 1mm, Diameter 38mm for base threads.

The contradiction between high resolving power and wide visual field has been completely eliminated from this product so it can provide efficient inspection.

Most Common Requested Reticles
-Std reticle scale, cross hair with metric scale on horizontal plane, zero center reading, scale divisions 0.1mm
-13 reticle scale, inch scale on horizontal plane, zero left reading, scale divisions 0.005"
-14 reticle scale, cross hair with inch/metric scale on horizontal plane, zero left reading. Zero center
inch: 0.4 in each direction. Div = .005, metric: 10 in each direction. Div = .1
-8 reticle scale, metric scale on horizontal plane, zero left reading

Full range of standard reticles available are shown on this page.

Products 1983, 2004, and 2028 all use the same reticles

Reticles are available in Black font or White font copy.

White or Black refers to the color of the font copy on the reticle.
Black for light or white surfaces.
White for black or dark surfaces.

Custom Reticles quoted upon request.

Click for full Tolerance of Metric Reticles chart

Magnifiers with reticles are not supplied with certification certificates.
Certification if required must be sent to a certification lab.
Buyer is responsible for the source and cost.

For easier viewing see the Peak 2028 which combines the 1983 with a flash light.

For ordering Scale Loupe sets which include five kinds scales see Peak 2004.

Replacement parts shown below.


  • Models: OPT-P1983-B, OPT-P1983NR, OPT-P1983-STD, OPT-P1983-1, OPT-P1983-2, OPT-P1983-3, OPT-P1983-4, OPT-P1983-5, OPT-P1983-6, OPT-P1983-7, OPT-P1983-8, OPT-P1983-9, OPT-P1983-10, OPT-P1983-11, OPT-P1983-12, OPT-P1983-13, OPT-P1983-14, OPT-P1983-STDW, OPT-P1983-1W, OPT-P1983-2W, OPT-P1983-3W, OPT-P1983-4W, OPT-P1983-5W, OPT-P1983-6W, OPT-P1983-7W, OPT-P1983-8W, OPT-P1983-9W, OPT-P1983-10W, OPT-P1983-11W, OPT-P1983-12W, OPT-P1983-13W, OPT-P1983-14W, OPT-P1983RR, OPT-P1983CAP, OPT-P1983RETB, OPT-P1983BASE, OPT-P1983POUCH, OPT-P1983RETSTD, OPT-P1983RET1, OPT-P1983RET2, OPT-P1983RET3, OPT-P1983RET4, OPT-P1983RET5, OPT-P1983RET6, OPT-P1983RET7, OPT-P1983RET8, OPT-P1983RET9, OPT-P1983RET10, OPT-P1983RET11, OPT-P1983RET12, OPT-P1983RET13, OPT-P1983RET14, OPT-P1983RETSTDW, OPT-P1983RET1W, OPT-P1983RET2W, OPT-P1983RET3W, OPT-P1983RET4W, OPT-P1983RET5W, OPT-P1983RET6W, OPT-P1983RET7W, OPT-P1983RET8W, OPT-P1983RET9W, OPT-P1983RET10W, OPT-P1983RET11W, OPT-P1983RET12W, OPT-P1983RET13W & OPT-P1983RET14W
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